Friday, August 27, 2010

Researching the Self: August 27

One of the most eye-opening books I have ever read is The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini.  I read it for my 9th grade thesis project.  At this time America was at its peak point of investment in the War Against Terrorism, which made reading about how much the Afghani's had lost that much more poignant.  I am Middle Eastern (Syrian) so reading about the poverty, loss, and harrowing experiences the characters in the book faced hit home for me.  While my day to day life has not been mindblowingly altered  by reading this novel, it did shift my perspective and open my eyes to the Afghani side of the war.


  1. I Love this book! It was mind-blowing how much he went through and how short of a childhood he had. The way he showed how he perceived as a child of the war gave me a me a better picture of how much suffering that they are going through, and reminded me how I should be grateful for my childhood.

  2. Kite Runner certainly had such an effect on many many readers. I think you raise an important issue - that books can create for us different spaces through which to think about a topic or issue differently. Thanks.
